Effective Homemade Face Packs To Treat Blemishes

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Many people say, girls are complicated and problematic, well my question is how can we girls be simple when our problems never seem to end?
As soon as the girls enter their teenage, they start having so many problems and along come complaints. The ones on the top are acne and pimples. As soon as they realize they are over acne and pimple problem, a new irritation appears that is; blemish! Blemishes are the marks that lessen their beauty.
However, several treatments claim to cure blemishes such as laser removal and surgeries. Markets are flooded with magic creams and treatment methods claiming to treat blemish but these are not affordable for everyone and might not suit many skin types too. Why should we take a risk? Rush to your kitchen and pick some ingredients. These ingredients can do wonder on your skin by clearing ugly blemishes and dark spots left by acne.
Home Remedies To Treat Blemishes:
Some of the best home remedies for blemishes on the face or skin are as follows.
  1. Potato Pack
Potatoes have natural lightening properties. These are easily available and are cheap. In order to make a potato paste, you will need to extract potato juice and mix well with gram flour. For best and speedy results, you need to apply this paste regularly and leave for 20 minutes and then wash it off using water. After cleaning your face, you need to splash ice-cold water or use ice cubes to close the open pores.
  1. Tomato Pack
Tomatoes are also known for their lightening and bleaching properties. These work wonderfully on removing blemishes. For making tomato face pack, you need to grind tomato and mix honey into it. After mixing, apply this smooth paste evenly on your face for at least 20 minutes or so. Wash it off after 20 minutes with lukewarm water.
  1. Almonds And Milk
This homemade facemask for blemishes works wonderfully. To prepare this mask you need to soak 7 almonds over night in water. Next morning add some milk and grind these soaked almonds. Apply this paste on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes or so. For better results, you need to use this face pack regularly.
  1. Orange Peel Pack
Use ground orange peel, lemon peel powder, yogurt and honey. Mix all these ingredients properly and then apply on your face. Allow it to stay on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Apply ice cubes on your face afterwards to close open pores. After that, moisturize your skin.
  1. Mint Leaves
It is very effective and easy to make face pack. In order to prepare this face pack, you need to mix water and mint leaves and grind properly to form a paste. Apply this paste evenly on your face and let it dry. Wash it off using lukewarm water and splash cold water. Pat dry your skin and apply any good moisturizer. For best results, use this paste periodically. 
Try to use these home remedies for blemishes on the face. Hope they work best for you!


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